JMF Moonlight Bandit - (Cruise N Fast x M&M Moonlight Reflection) 15.2h black Morgan gelding 

Bandit was carefully selected and imported from Janzen Morgan Farm in Canada. This highly regarded line of black Morgan horses possesses a renowned reputation of having superior intelligence, dispositions, and their boldness and willingness fostered lifelong owners and breeders spanning from the US to across international waters. Their versatility has been proven suitable for family use, sport or performance competition and that traces back many decades.

Bandit's remarkable pedigree boasts Windhover Regency and he was well known to be one of Canada's most famous Morgan stallions. Regency is also credited as the #1 producer of black Morgans and he produced more than 265 foals in Canada and the US. He built a dynasty that rated him as one of the most popular stallions in the world. His bloodlines and quality descendants have a prestigious international presence in several other countries including New Zealand, Germany, Australia, Newfoundland and more. There are numerous Champion horses in his pedigree including Beamington, Immortal Command, Troutbrook Playboy, UVM Trophy, Courage of Equinox and others.

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